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Student Policy

Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions outline the terms of your enrollment with AcadyOn.

To be eligible to enter into this agreement, you must be 15 years of age or older. If you are under 15 years of age, you will require one of your parents or legal guardians to enter into this agreement on your behalf. In such a case, both you and your parents or legal guardians must ensure compliance with the Terms and Conditions.


You hold the utmost importance for us, and we express our dedication to you through the following commitments:

  1. Delivering tutoring services to you with reasonable care, profound knowledge and skill.
  2. We will consistently strive to meet your needs and exceed your academic expectations to the best of our abilities.
  3. We will guarantee that the services are tailored to help enhance your confidence and contribute to improvements in your academic results.
  4. Safeguard the confidentiality of your personal information, academic performance, and usage of the AcadyOn platform, contingent upon your provided consent.
  5. Inform you of any modifications to fees associated with AcadyOn services. You are not obligated to accept these fee adjustments, and should you choose not to accept them, you have the option to cancel your enrollment.


Your assistance is crucial to our collaborative efforts. We are committed to supporting the student to the best of our abilities, and in return, we request the student's cooperation in the following ways:

  1. Attend your classes on time. Join the session 5 minutes prior to the scheduled time.
  2. Make a genuine effort to complete both in-class and supplementary learning activities.
  3. Actively engage with tutors to enhance comprehension of the course.
  4. Treat the tutor with politeness and respect.
  5. Adhere to reasonable instructions provided by the tutor.
  6. Adhere to the payment terms outlined in accordance with the pricing and policy guidelines as specified on AcadyOn's official website.
  7. Utilize ONLY AcadyOn, the learning platform for interactions with your AcadyOn tutor/s.
  8. You are prohibited from using the platform to arrange in-person meetings with the tutor/s.
  9. If you encounter any event of suspecting a tutor's involvement in potential legal violations, threats, fraud, or endangerment, it is expected that you promptly notify AcadyOn for assistance.
  10. Conform to the policies and procedures established by AcadyOn, which may be updated periodically.


We will consistently strive to provide our service in alignment with best practices and the standards reasonably anticipated from a qualified tutor utilizing our platform and content. However, it's important to note that we cannot guarantee complete freedom from errors.

By acquiring and utilizing the services, you acknowledge that we cannot guarantee that our services will result in an enhancement of academic performance or outcomes.

While we strive to ensure smooth operations, we acknowledge that unforeseen circumstances may arise. Putting our students first, we make the following commitments:

  1. If any Session experiences time loss due to our tutor's tardiness or technical issues with the AcadyOn learning platform, we will compensate by rescheduling the Session at a mutually agreed-upon date and time.
  2. Concerns about the quality of a Session will be thoroughly investigated by AcadyOn. Should it be determined that the Session quality “significantly” falls below our expected standard, you will receive a full credit for the cost of that Session.
  3. In the event of a tutor cancellation, AcadyOn will endeavor to provide a replacement tutor with comparable qualifications and experience. If a replacement cannot be arranged at the scheduled Session time, we will strive to offer an alternative Session at a time convenient for you.
  4. You have the option to cancel your enrollment with AcadyOn at any time, for any reason, by adhering to the specific cancellation notice periods outlined on the AcadyOn’s website, as well as the AcadyOn Refund Policy and Procedure. Upon cancellation, you incur no further financial obligations to AcadyOn, and AcadyOn is relieved of any remaining obligations to provide services to you.

AcadyOn does not provide a guarantee that the use of the Service will result in an improvement in academic performance or outcomes. To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to absolve AcadyOn of any responsibility for acts or omissions related to the Service. Additionally, you commit to indemnify AcadyOn against any disputes, actions, claims, or proceedings arising from the provision of the Service to you. AcadyOn will not be held responsible for any incurred losses or damages.


  1. You commit to the payment of fees for each enrolled Course. A payment must be made before attending a Course, except in the case of a trial lesson.
  2. A 15-minute trial/demo class is for free.
  3. AcadyOn will handle all financial transactions between the you and the Tutor.
  4. You are not allowed to communicate directly with the tutor regarding matters related to payments.


  1. You can cancel your enrollment to a class at any time, for any reason but you will get a REFUND ONLY IF YOU CANCEL WITHIN 48 HOURS.
  2. No refunds or arrangements for makeup sessions will be offered for missed sessions.

Modification to these Terms and Conditions requires written agreement between you and AcadyOn. However, AcadyOn reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to occasionally modify the referenced policies, procedures, and website information in these Terms and Conditions. If you accept these Terms and Conditions, the resulting agreement and any associated disputes are subject to the laws of Canada.

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