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Privacy Policy

Welcome to AcadyOn

1. Introduction:

Welcome to AcadyOn! AcadyOn acknowledges the significance of maintaining confidentiality and safeguarding personal information. This Privacy Policy is applicable to AcadyOn, its affiliated entities, and all online platforms owned and operated by AcadyOn, including websites and subdomains. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your personal information when you use our website and services. By accessing or using our website, you consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

2. Information we collect:

1. Personal Information: When you register on our website, we may collect personal information such as your:

  1. Name
  2. Age
  3. Gender
  4. Email address
  5. Contact number
  6. Photograph
  7. Necessary educational documents
  8. Payment details
  9. Name

2. Tutoring Information: We may collect information about the subjects you are interested in, your learning goals, and other relevant details to tailor our tutoring services through our platform to students.

3. Usage Data: We may collect information about your interactions with our website, such as the pages visited, the duration of visits, and other user engagement metrics.

3. How we collect, use and disclose personal information

We only gather personal information in accordance with the specified purposes we have outlined and refrain from collecting or retaining personal information indiscriminately.

AcadyOn typically acquires personal information on a voluntary basis, provided directly by the individual. In some instances, personal information may be obtained from alternative sources such as government entities or third parties (e.g., employers, references, and service providers), as allowed by law. If the purpose behind collecting personal information is unclear, individuals can request clarification from the AcadyOn representative they are dealing with.

In compliance with applicable laws, we may seek explicit consent to process any personal information collected by AcadyOn or volunteered by individuals. The decision to grant such consent is entirely voluntary. However, failure to provide the requested consent may impact an individual's ability to utilize the services offered by AcadyOn, including our website and any other online platforms that may be introduced periodically.

Our motivation for collecting personal information concerning job candidates, clients, staff, and consultants is to establish and uphold employment, contractual, or other business relationships.

We may utilize your Personal Information for the following purposes:

  1. Responding to Inquiries: Addressing your comments, questions, and requests, and providing customer service support.
  2. Communication: Keeping you informed about services, offers, promotions, and sharing news and information that we believe will be of interest to you.
  3. Account Management: Managing your account, sending technical notices, updates, security alerts, and providing support and administrative messages.
  4. Analysis and Monitoring: Monitoring and analyzing trends, usage patterns, and activities to improve our services.
  5. Information Enhancement: Linking or combining your information with data from other sources to better understand your needs and enhance the services we provide.
  6. Background Checks and Searches: Seeking specific consent, when necessary, to collect, use, and disclose Personal Information for purposes such as completing or arranging background checks and searches. This consent may be obtained in writing or orally, and in some cases, it can be implied through the individual's relationship or conduct with us, depending on the sensitivity of the information.

AcadyOn ensures that personal information is treated with confidentiality. We do not disclose this information to any third party unless explicit or implied consent is obtained, or as permitted or required by law. AcadyOn does not engage in the exchange or sale of personal information.

AcadyOn may share Personal Information about you in the following circumstances:

  1. With International Hiring Bodies and Service Providers: Personal Information may be shared with international hiring bodies for whom AcadyOn provides recruitment services, as well as consultants and other service providers who require access to such information to perform work on AcadyOn's behalf. This includes legal and financial advisors.
  2. Legal and Government Requests: Information may be disclosed in response to a request for information from a court, law enforcement agency, or other government entity if deemed consistent with applicable law or required by law.
  3. Protection of Rights and Safety: If AcadyOn believes that your actions are inconsistent with user agreements or policies, or to safeguard the rights, property, and safety of AcadyOn or any third party.
  4. Business Transactions: Information may be shared in connection with mergers, sale of company assets, financing, or the transfer of all or part of the business to another entity.
  5. With Your Consent: Personal Information may be shared with your consent or at your direction.


  1. AcadyOn may share aggregated or de-identified information that cannot reasonably identify you.
  2. Marketing Communications: With your consent, AcadyOn may use your Personal Information to send marketing or commercial communications.


Recipients of commercial emails from AcadyOn can opt-out or unsubscribe at any time using the provided instructions or by emailing Opting out may take up to ten (10) business days to process.

Publicly Available Information:

Information made publicly available through AcadyOn's websites or online platforms may be accessible to others. Cached or archived copies may remain viewable even after removal.


AcadyOn may display personal testimonials and endorsements on its website with the individual's consent.

Third-Party Service Providers:

While AcadyOn will not rent or sell Personal Information, it may use third-party service providers to perform functions like data storage, printing, or document scanning. These providers are required to protect Personal Information in line with AcadyOn's policies.

International Transfers:

Personal Information may be transferred, processed, and stored across borders, including to the U.S. AcadyOn complies with GDPR requirements for transfers from the EU/EEA to the U.S. or Canada.

Legal Compliance:

By using AcadyOn's website, services, or online platforms, individuals acknowledge the processing and transfer of Personal Information to the U.S. and its potential exposure to legal requirements, including the USA PATRIOT Act.

Data Transfer from EU/EEA:

Users in the EU/EEA or other regions with different data laws, by using AcadyOn's services, acknowledge the potential transfer of their Personal Information to the U.S. or Canada for storage and processing, with compliance with GDPR requirements.

4. Information Disclosed Publicly by you:

  1. Social Media Connections: By connecting with AcadyOn through social media pages or accounts, or by posting content with AcadyOn-created hashtags, you provide consent for the use of Personal Information or other content you submit for marketing and promotional purposes. This includes incorporation into marketing materials without additional notice or compensation.
  2. Website Forms: AcadyOn may collect and process any Personal Information voluntarily provided through website forms, such as when signing up to receive newsletters or other information.

5. External Links:

AcadyOn's website features links to third-party websites. AcadyOn is not responsible for the privacy practices, content, or the accuracy and completeness of information on these external sites.

  1. Social Media Features: The website and online platforms operated by AcadyOn may include social media features like the Facebook "Like" button. These features may collect your IP address and the visited page, and may set a cookie for proper functionality. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or directly on the AcadyOn website. Interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the hosting organization.

6. Protecting Your Personal Information:

  1. Accuracy and Completeness: AcadyOn strives to maintain accurate, complete, and up-to-date personal information regardless of the user's location.
  2. Security Measures: Reasonable physical, technical, and organizational security processes and safeguards are implemented to protect personal information. These measures aim to prevent accidental, unauthorized, or unlawful access, disclosure, alteration, loss, or processing of personal information. Security measures include premises security, restricted access, security software, firewalls, and internal passwords.
  3. Security Guarantee: While AcadyOn employs various security measures, it cannot guarantee absolute security due to the inherent risks in electronic transmission and storage. AcadyOn commits to promptly notify individuals in case of any known unauthorized access or use of their personal information.

7. Retention and Deletion:

  1. Data Retention Period: AcadyOn will not retain data longer than necessary for the purposes it was collected or as required by applicable laws.
  2. User Control: Users with active accounts on AcadyOn's online platforms have control over their personal information and its duration. Users are responsible for deleting data as needed.
  3. Account Termination: Upon termination or expiration of a user account, all personal information collected through that platform will be deleted as required by law.

8. Children's Privacy:

AcadyOn does not knowingly collect or solicit Personal Information from individuals under the age of 18 without parental consent. If such information is unintentionally collected, AcadyOn will promptly delete it upon discovery.

9. Accessing Your Personal Information:

  1. Account Access: Users with current accounts on AcadyOn's platforms can review, correct, update, amend, or delete their Personal Information by logging into their accounts.
  2. Data Protection Officer: Alternatively, users can write to AcadyOn's Data Protection Officer to request access to their Personal Information. AcadyOn acknowledges and handles requests promptly.
  3. Verification and Charges: AcadyOn reserves the right to verify the identity of individuals making access requests. A reasonable copying or retrieval fee may be charged, and details will be provided in advance.
  4. Rights under GDPR: If you are a resident of the EEA or the EU, the GDPR grants you rights, including the right to rectify, delete, or restrict the processing of your Personal Information. You can also object to processing based on legitimate interests and request data portability.
  5. Withdrawal of Consent: If you are a resident of the EEA or the EU, the GDPR grants you rights, including the right to rectify, delete, or restrict the processing of your Personal Information. You can also object to processing based on legitimate interests and request data portability.

10. Forums Terms of Use:

Users agree to the following terms when using any forum operated by AcadyOn:

  1. Content Restrictions: Users will not post false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of privacy, or adult material. Violation of international laws is prohibited.
  2. Copyrighted Material: Posting copyrighted material without ownership or written consent is prohibited.
  3. Spam and Solicitations: Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are forbidden.
  4. Compliance with Terms of Service (TOS): Users must abide by the forum's Terms of Service provided.
  5. User Responsibility: Users are solely responsible for their posted content and agree to indemnify and hold harmless AcadyOn, its staff, and subsidiaries.
  6. Content Removal: AcadyOn reserves the right to remove objectionable content within a reasonable timeframe if deemed necessary.
  7. Identity Disclosure: AcadyOn may reveal user identity in response to a formal complaint or legal action.
  8. Password Security: Users agree not to share their password except with administrators and not to use another person's account.

11. Acceptance of Privacy Policy:

Users are assumed to have read, understood, and agreed to the Privacy Policy. Continued use of AcadyOn's website and services implies acceptance of the Privacy Policy and any revisions.

  1. Contact Information: Users may contact AcadyOn's Data Protection Officer for access requests, corrections, or privacy policy inquiries at
  2. Policy Review: AcadyOn regularly reviews the Privacy Policy and will post revised or updated versions as needed.

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